Thursday, September 11, 2014

freebie for your super scientist in the science lab

What a super fun day it was in Kindergarten at our school today.  We had fun in the science lab working on our concepts of our five senses and science tools.  These two work great together.  If you haven't explored the marshmallow using science tools and your five senses then you. haven't. lived. No joke! These kids are so funny and they don't even know it.  When we got to use our sense of smell to explore the marshmallow we had words used to describe it like....get ready..... banana and  crackers.  Love their excitement.  Love their truth.   Below is our recording sheet they used as they explored the marshmallow with their five senses. The students picked a descriptive word to write on the finger under that particular sense.  Have fun with it!
Click on the picture to get the worksheet.  The lab idea we got from Pinterest it is below also.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It WAS a full moon


Can't. Even. Describe. It. You must be a teacher to fully understand days before and after a full moon.
It was a rough day.
However the kids would disagree.  They would say 'today was awesome' 
They are brilliant: they can open their lockers!  That is huge!
Struggle: two step directions.
Me, " Put your chairs up on your table, and sit on your carpet squares"
my class: All chairs went up. YEA!!! BUT then.....4 went to work in my 2 person ipad station, one started writing on the table with his markers, 1 got his lunch box out of his locker (that he was able to open by himself because my students are brilliant!) and started eating the rest of his lunch and 2 gave each other a piggy back ride. 2 step directions are hard.  I get it.
Rough day for me.
Mother Nature can't touch me tomorrow.  Bye bye full moon.