I am going to start by saying Girls Night is something NO girl should ever pass up. Our great little team is so cute and we all love each other and all bring so many different, amazing things to the table that we really make a GREAT team. I am so proud of the friends we have in each other! SO girls night for our team last month was a painting night and we all decided on painting these PRECIOUS little trolls. We all picked a hair color that tickled our fancy and added a streak ~ cause we are so funky~ of another teammates hair color to represent we all work together. Then we went all out and added make-up and fun touches.
We had so much fun together and decided we were going to use our troll like we did our Elf and have her doing different things each day and the kids can write about it. So we HAD to create a Trolls writing packet because it was just TOO MUCH FUN but we needed some graphics! Our first thought was Nikki at
Melonheadz. Have you checked her out?? She is awesome! She was happy to create trolls for us and TaDa...we have our own custom made set of trolls graphics. Check them out
here! See for yourself how cute our trolls are! Now... go paint one for
your classroom!
Here's are cute little team: Tamara & Me on the left, Holly in the middle, Anna & Laura on the right |
I love how Laura's looks Albino in the middle! And I LOVE our funkafied hair! |
So here are 3 more writing packets to cover your writing time and make your kids feel like they are King (or Queen) of the world! These writing prompts are so fun, the kids can go in so many directions with them, and it will make your planning time for writing a breeze! We have found there is
nothing more valuable than something that makes your kids WANT to write- our writing pages do this for our students.
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