Sunday, April 1, 2012

CRaZy Good Writers!

Practice makes perfect! Practice.... practice... practice..... everyday our children must be writing.  Moving the thoughts from their brain onto paper and then adding all the rules to get it right- that's a lot for these little ones!!  But guess what?!!  They can do it!  And they can do it good, if you give them lots of practice!  Our little ones have a writing block everyday day.  We have 30 min of solid quiet uninterrupted time where we play "smart music" (we jam out classical music) the kids know if "smart music" is on, they are quite.  It really lets them think!  We are going to give you all the tools you need to get these little ones CrAzY good at writing.  Here is our Space Writing packet.  The kids LOVE the endless possibilities they have with our writing themes.  They think it is SO FUN, and can't wait for the next theme we bring out.  Wait ....what??  You want your kids to beg for writing time like ours do?? CrAzY! Here is our Space Writing Packet- THEY are going to LOVE how fun it is and YOU are going to LOVE how easy this makes your writing time!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like lots of fun!! I hope you have a great week!
