Sunday, May 20, 2012

8 more days Peeps!!!!!

Speaking of peeps..... did we tell you that we did chicks this year for our kids?  Chicks peep..... so that lead me to chicks.  Anywho..... out of our 12 eggs.... 3 hatched ALL in my teamie's room.... while she was out having knee surgery.  SO neither of us got to enjoy them... well her kids did, but lets be honest here, it's all about us.  SO when my eggs didn't hatch (probably because I cooked them at 105 over the weekend when I got them- on accident) I had a plan.  I dropped the kids at lunch, high tailed it to the feed store up the street (we are in Texas y'all) got me a chick (that they seriously put in a brown lunch sack and stapled the top closed and handed it to me peeping away) headed back to school, popped it in the incubator, picked the kids up from lunch, and boo-yah! our egg hatched!  So while my other half is at home skipping the CrAzY kids these last 8 days I am babysitting all 4 chicks in my classroom.  And let me tell you.... If I forget to feed them they remind me by getting out of the box and running around like a CrAzY chick looking for food and interrupting my great end of the year lessons.  So you guys be thinking of our other CrAzY Texas Teacher while she is at home creating more fun packets for our kids  resting. We decided our kids really needed to be reviewing these core standards every day this summer .  So while we are at home in our pj's watching Lifetime, The Bachelorette, or whatever you guys watch, our kids can be working on this CrAzY awesome Summer Packet.  It is 31 pages, copy it twice and send it home.  They do one page a day over the summer  AND it tells them if they bring it back at the beginning of the new school year- we will give them a treat!  We are CrAzY excited about all the work their little brains will be doing over the summer and the BEST part is- each page will take LESS than 10 min a day.  Just a quick review of: reading, writing, math and word lists.  You're going to love us after you get your hands on this! Click on the picture below to take you to our TpT store.


  1. 8 more??? LUCKY!! I am so interested in doing chicks next year! I'm just nervous cause I know nothing about it!!
    Adorable freebie!!!


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog is Having a Giveaway!!
    My TpT Store

  2. Oh my gosh! I totally would have done the same thing (running out to buy a chick)! I want to do chicks next year, but with my luck, I'm sure they won't hatch. :)


  3. I want to do chicks with my kindergarteners! And I'm currently on the couch watching some Real Housewives of New Jersey to kickoff my summer!

    Thanks for following my blog!

  4. I love hatching chicks!

    I love how y'all use the term crazy A LOT because isn't that what teaching is all about??!!??? =)

    Heather's Heart
